Achievements and Study Summary:
- Specialist in Plastic Surgery - University of Hertfordshire, London, UK.
- Medical Aesthetic Medicine Academy - Toronto, Canada.
- Master of Skin Integrity and Wound Management - University of Hertfordshire, London, UK.
- Master in Plastic Surgery - Cairo University, Egypt.
- Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine, Laser, and Hair Transplant - India.
- Over 11 years of experience in Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine, and Wound Care in the UAE and Canada.
- Pioneered the first laser wound clinic with Dr. Farhat’s 5-point laser wound healing technique.
- Established the first 3D medical printing clinic, the Regenerative Center of Excellence, and the Laser and IPL Department.
- Published numerous scientific papers in regenerative medicine, stem cells, scaffolding cells, and growth factors.
- International instructor and speaker on innovative technologies and new materials.
- Founder of wound care courses "Beauty of Wound Care" and the "Advanced Laser and IPL Program."