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Fixed Vs. Removable Orthodontic Appliances

This article provides a deep and thorough comparison between the two, covering various important points, including the pros and cons, costs, timing and duration, and overall impact on the patient’s life.

Owing to the great success and the fixity of the labial fixed orthodontic appliances, i.e., braces, professionals and laymen alike are still wary of the newly-emerging removable orthodontic appliances, which include clear aligners and Invisalign. This article provides a deep and thorough comparison between the two, covering various important points, including the pros and cons, costs, timing and duration, and overall impact on the patient’s life.

Various questions similar to ‘Which is better clear aligners or braces?’, ‘Should I get clear aligners or braces?’, ‘What are the advantages of aligners over braces?’ float through the patient’s head when deciding to undergo orthodontic treatment. Practitioners should arm themselves with answers to these questions to aid the patient in making the correct choice.

Which is better for the patient, Braces Or Invisalign?

Multiple factors come into play while deciding which treatment modality to opt for. Thus, there’s no fixed answer to the question ‘Do Dentists Prefer Invisalign or Braces?’. Consider the multiple advantages and disadvantages of both modalities before deciding which route to take. However, consider the most important factor: the orthodontic problem that needs solving.

Clear aligners or Invisalign, defined as a series of clear plastic appliances, move teeth. Despite their differences, both serve similar conditions and broadly fall under the term removable orthodontic appliances. They help correct mild to moderate crowding and spacing, as well as dental flare and tipping. However, one advantage of fixed appliances like braces lies in their ability to treat severe malocclusions. This is because treating severe cases with removable appliances often requires premolar extractions. This can pose an impairment in preserving the stability of the closed spaces. In addition, braces achieve better buccolingual inclination and occlusion contact in a shorter period of time. This can be considered one of the cons of Invisalign.

Thus, the questions of ‘Are aligners as effective as braces?’ or ‘Is there anything Invisalign can’t fix?’ essentially depend on the degree of malocclusion and other orthodontic considerations.

Are aligners just as effective as braces? Which is more effective clear aligners or braces?

The degree of effectiveness and efficiency of Invisalign and other removable devices have been the subject of many studies. The main outcome of these studies found that the effectiveness of Invisalign and other removable devices is linked to the time of wear. Clinicians usually recommend around 20-22 hours per day wear in order to achieve optimal results, with serial changes in the Invisalign itself to aid in teeth movement. This question, ‘Do clear aligners work better than braces?’ really depends on patient compliance and cooperation with the treatment.

Are aligners better than braces?

Braces vs aligners pros and cons is a wide topic with many factors to be considered. Below will be discussed a couple of them, which can help decide what’s better braces or aligners.

The initial thing to be discussed is the short-term oral impact of both devices.

Speech delivery and pronunciation

Multiple people ask, ‘Is it easier to talk with braces or Invisalign?’. And the short answer is long-term; it doesn’t affect speech. However, short-term impact shows that removable braces can cause speech difficulty and change the way of speech. This is an initial impediment that is soon resolved; however, it should be considered, and the patient should be warned about the possibility of difficulty in pronunciation and speech delivery.

Eating and dietary restriction

Another pro for invisible aligners is the better chewing ability and absence of any dietary restrictions. It is easier to perform the chewing and grinding function of the teeth without worrying about food being stuck between the bracket or poor health after the meal. Not worrying about a life-impacting aspect, such as dietary restrictions, can improve a patient’s compliance with treatment.

Braces vs. Invisalign pain

Researchers found that the initial pain of both modalities is similar, with Invisalign and clear aligners causing more pressure-like pain and traditional braces causing more throbbing pain.

Quality of life is another factor to be considered. Under which subtopics exist.

Table of Contents


The availability of removing the Invisalign or clear braces, can affect the functional outcome, which is mainly dependent on patient compliance.

Psychosocial impact:

It is an important aspect to be put into consideration and an attractive reason to prefer Invisalign over traditional braces, The invisibility of the device allows easier assimilation into society in the absence of the negative dogma that is associated with braces. This creates a more encouraging attitude, and thus more likely to cooperate and recommend the treatment.

It can thus be concluded that removable devices can provide a better quality of life than traditional braces. In this aspect, aligners vs braces which is better, the question ‘Are aligners better than braces?’, the answer can clearly be the aligners.

Another aspect to be considered is the periodontal health. Fixed devices provide poorer outcomes when it comes to periodontal health. Traditional braces are notorious for the arduous cleaning routine. Initially, each bracket has to be brushed and flossed around the wire to remove food traces. Conventional cleaning also carries a risk of demineralization. The uncomfortable cleaning hampers oral hygiene with poor breath. In addition, plaque buildup will produce white spot lesions, caries, and periodontitis, all of which have deleterious effects on the gum. In addition, multiple studies showed changes in the oral microbiota associated with braces, which can make the oral environment more prone to infection.

On the other hand, Invisalign and other temporary devices made oral hygiene much easier. The devices are transparent and thus easier to clean. They are also removable, which will encourage the patient to take care of their cleanliness. Brushing and flossing of the teeth are normal, with no precautionary steps required. The removal of the device during the consumption of foods and beverages will prevent the build-up of food debris.

Aligners cost

Owing to the modernity of this treatment modality, aligners can come up with a hefty price tag. It can range anywhere between US$3000 and US$7000. However, braces do come up with a similar price.

Ultimately, the choice between fixed braces and clear aligners hinges on many factors, from the complexity of your orthodontic issues to your lifestyle preferences. It’s crucial to consult with an orthodontic professional to decide the best option for your specific needs. Whether you opt for the discreet convenience of clear aligners or the reliability of traditional braces, the goal remains the same: a healthier, more confident smile.

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